Sunday, August 21, 2011

Welcome to NV-I!

I would just like to say that I am excited to serve as your RA for this upcoming academic school year!  For those of you that may not know me, my name is Peter Matusiak and I am a rising senior Economics/History double-major. On campus, aside from serving as president of the Pre-Law Society, I am actively involved in the Sigma Chi Fraternity, Shucker Leadership Institute, Fed Challenge Team, and Gilpatrick History Society (I am also a manager at Pizza Inn so if you ever need a deal on some pizza, feel free hit me up). PLEASE feel free to contact me for any reason, I would be -more- than glad to answer any questions that you may have (my number is 864-477-9168).
I know that some of you have contacted me about room issues. In order to avoid fines at the end of the year, please fill out the room condition form if you have any issues in your room or apartment. The form may be found at the link below:

See you soon!