Hola! I hope everyone is finally getting back into the swing of things at Furman! Since this is the first year living in North Village for some of you (as it is for me), cooking is more than likely a necessary evil (or joy, depending on the individual I suppose). For those who have not cooked too often in the past, choosing the right ingredients might be a slight challenge, especially in terms of nutritional value. I hope you find this chart worthwhile (and that it helps!). See you at the drop-in!
Food | Benefits |
apples | Protects your heart, Prevents constipation, Blocks diarrhea, Improves lung capacity, Cushions Joints |
apricots | Combats cancer, Controls bloodpressure, saves your eyesight,shields against Alzheimer's, slowsaging process |
artichokes | Aids digestion, lowers cholesterol,protects your heart, stabilizes blood sugar, guards against liver disease |
avocados | Battles diabetes, lowers cholesterol,helps stop strokes, controls blood pressure, smoothes skin |
bananas | Protects your heart, quiets a cough,strengthens bones, controls blood pressure, blocks diarrhea |
beans | Prevents constipation, helps hemorroids, lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, stabilizes blood sugar |
beets | Controls blood pressure, combats cancer, strengthens bones, protects your heart, aids weight loss |
blueberries | Combats cancer, protects your heart,stabilizes blood sugar, boosts memory, prevents contipation |
broccoli | Strenghens bones, saves eyesight, combats cancer, protects your heart, controls blood pressure |
cabbage | Combats cancer, prevents constipation, promotes weight loss, protects your heart, helps hemorrhoids |
cantaloupe | Saves eyesight, controls blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, supports immune system |
carrots | Saves eyesight, protects your heart, prevents constipation, combats cancer, promotes weight loss |
cauliflower | Protects against prostate cancer, combats breast cancer, strengthens bones, banishes bruises, guards against heart disease |
cherries | Protects against Prostate Cancer, combats cancer, ends insomnia, slows aging process, shields against Alzheimer's |
chestnuts | Promotes weight loss, protects your heart, lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, controls blood pressure |
Chili peppers | Aids digestion, soothes sore throat, clears sinuses, combats cancer, boosts immune system |
figs | Promotes weight loss, helps stop strokes, lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, controls blood pressure |
fish | Protects your heart, boosts memory, protects your heart, combats cancer, supports immune system |
flax | Aids digestion, battles diabetes, protects your heart, improves mental health, boosts immune system |
garlic | Lowers cholesterol, controls blood pressure, combats cancer, kills bacteria, fights fungus |
grapefruit | Protects against heart attacks, promotes weight loss, helps stop stokes, combats prostate cancer, lowers cholesterol |
grapes | Saves eyesight, conquers kidney stones, combats cancer, enhances blood flow, protects your heart |
Green tea | Combats cancer, protects your heart, helps stop strokes, promotes weight loss, kills bacteria |
honey | Heals wounds, aids digestion, quards against ulcers, increases energy, fights allergies |
lemons | Combats Cancer, protects your heart, controls blood pressure, smoothes skin, stops scurvy |
limes | Combats cancer, protects your heart, controls blood pressure, smoothes skin, stops scurvy |
mangoes | Combats cancer, boosts memory, regulates thyroid, aids digestion, shields against Alzheimer's |
mushrooms | Controls blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, kills bacteria, combats cancer, strengthens bones |
oats | Lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, battles diabetes, prevents constipation, smoothes skin |
olive oil | Protects your heart, promotes weight loss, combats cancer, battles diabetes, smoothes skin |
onions | Reduce risk of heart attack, combats cancer, kills bacteria, lowers cholesterol, fights fungus |
oranges | Supports immune system, combats cancer, protects your heart, straightens respiration |
peaches | Prevents constipation, combats cancer, helps stop strokes, aids digestion, helps hemorrhoids |
peanuts | Protects against heart disease, promotes weight loss, combats prostate cancer, lowers cholesterol, aggravates diverticulitis |
pineapple | Strengthens bones, relieves colds, aids digestion, dissolves warts, blocks diarrhea |
prunes | Slows aging process, prevents constipation, boosts memory, lowers cholesterol, protects against heart disease |
rice | Protects your heart, battles diabetes, conquers kidney stones, combats cancer, helps stop strokes |
strawberries | Combats Cancer, protects your heart, boosts memory, calms stress |
Sweet potatoes | Saves your eyesight, lifts mood, combats cancer, strengthens bones |
tomatoes | Protects prostate, combats cancer, lowers cholesterol, protects your heart |
walnuts | Lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, boosts memory, lifts mood, protects against heart disease |
water | Promotes weight loss, combats cancer, conquers kidney stones, smoothes skin |
watermelon | Protects prostate, promotes weight loss, lowers cholesterol, helps stop strokes, improves digestion |
Wheat germ | Combats Colon Cancer, prevents constipation, lowers cholesterol, helps stop strokes, improves digestion |
Wheat bran | Combats Colon Cancer, prevents constipation, lowers cholesterol, helps stop strokes, improves digestion |
Yogurt | Guards against ulcers, stregthens bones, lowers cholesterol, supports immune systems, aids digestion |
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